| 18.11.2023

“Life is Beautiful”: A Necessary Documentary Amidst Warring Opinions on “All” Things Palestinian

The whole world , not just festival audiences, watch Jabali’s "Life is Beautiful", because in a moment of complete despair and helplessness, it brings something far more needed than just hope.
Being Indigenous: Comparing Native Americans and Palestinians
| 27.12.2023
Revenge Through The Arbitrary Detention of Palestinians
| 22.12.2023
Distressed Migrants: From Maltese Planes and Frontex Guards to the Tareq Ben Zeyad Ship
| 22.12.2023
On Feminist Washing and Claims of Sexual Assault  in Israel
| 14.12.2023
The Multiple Dimensions of Suffering for Children in Gaza
| 12.12.2023
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